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 TracyRobertson FHS 097


TracyRobertson FHS 091

Blizzard is a stunning Boerperd x mare born in 2001 and standing at 15.2 H. She has a lovely temperament and move's beautifully.


Blizzards colour is just what we where looking for and will be a great addition to our stud. Being Cremello she will produce 100% Palomino foals to chestnut stallions and Buckskin, Palomino and Smokey Black foals to Bay and Black stallions.


Blizzard has given us 4 divine foals her palomino tobiano filly by Joepie, a Homozygous Warmblood stallion on the 16th of January 2012 has been retained as a future broodmare.



 Gorgeous girl...

TracyRobertson FHS 085



TracyRobertson FHS 088                                            




19767 277782585786 175914 n




Blizzard info

aureo klein350

 Blizzard's colt : Far Hills Aureo (Click on pic)


Blizzard's filly : Far Hills JeT'aime (Click on pic)



Blizzard's filly : Far Hills Jineva (Click on pic)

TracyRobertson Quazar 006

 Blizzard's colt : Far Hills Quazar (Click on pic)


     Blizzard's filly : Far Hills Pintado Wiolette (Click on pic)

Contact Details

Audrey Moolman - Stud Owner & Manager
Cell:  084 941 1330

